Anthidium pallidiclypeum Jaycox, 1963
Asteraceae: Cirsium sp.; Encelia virginensis. Boraginaceae: Phacelia argentea. Cactaceae: Opuntia sp. Fabaceae: Dalea sp.; Lotus procumbens, L. scoparius; Psorothamnus fremontii; Trifolium variegatum. Lamiaceae: Salazaria mexicana; Salvia dorrii; Trichostema lanatum. Plantaginaceae: Collinsia heterophylla. Polygonaceae: Eriogonum fasciculatum. Ranunculaceae: Delphinium parishii, D. parryi. Rhamnaceae: Ceanothus sp. Scrophulariaceae: Collinsia concolor; Keckiella antirrhinoides.
The female of this species resembles that of A. edwardsii and A. placitum in the medially emarginate distal margin of the clypeus but it can be easily separated by the more prominently convex clypeus with the distal margin not strongly projected sublaterally. The male is unique in the clubbed end of the bifid apical process of S8; it can also be recognized by the combination of the shape of the lateral lobe of T7, S4 with reddish brown apical hair brush, and S6 with reduced to nearly absent lateral lobe.
The South Coast Range and the mountains of southern California and the mountains of the Mojave Desert in California and southern Nevada.